Pricing for Facebook advertising varies based on what the end goal of the campaign is. From video views to increased page likes, post engagement, event responses, and more, social media advertising provides you an opportunity to easily reach your specific niche audience and achieve the exact result you desire. Facebook is a unique platform because of the lookalike audience feature. We can take your customer data and advertise to the Facebook users who best match your current client list.
Search engine marketing is similar, as it provides you an opportunity to advertise to your most qualified leads. Our
PPC marketing company will sit down with you, as well as conduct our own research, to learn what keywords best align with your products, services, and/or industry. We will then gear our advertisements and budgets towards presenting your brand to those who are searching for those very keywords. This provides your business with the opportunity to be directly in front of a potential customer – while they are in the buying decision process.
When marketing is done right, you can see a high ROI on your marketing budget. If you are ready to reach the right audience, turn to the Facebook advertising company business owners in Tampa, Clearwater, Palm Harbor, St. Petersburg, Brandon, and the surrounding areas trust – S3 Media. We encourage all businesses to complete our
free marketing analysis.
Contact us today to learn more about our PPC marketing company or for answers about any of our turnkey services.