Search engine optimizing websites and content is one of our many specialties at S3 Media. We are an SEO company that is dedicated to helping you increase your organic search engine rankings.
SEO optimization is a digital marketing tactic that allows companies to appear on the first page of search engine results – without spending money on costly pay-per-click advertisements.
Search engine optimizing websites begins with proper internal structure. When a website is developed, the front end and back end development phases are crucial to determining if the website will be able to be properly recognized by search engines. The search engines themselves are responsible for examining websites to find content that is relevant and useful to their users. If your website is not recognized as an authority by the various search engines, you will never achieve your desired organic search engine ranking. Along with creating proper internal structures, the development phases directly impact the website’s speed. Slow websites normally have higher bounce ratings, which will typically yield lower SEO rankings.